Based on the bestselling children’s books, Elephant & Piggie centers around two best friends: A worrisome elephant named Gerald and an optimistic pig named Piggie. Together the two of them go on a series of adventures that teach them the true meaning of friendship.
In this vaudevillian romp, Gerald and Piggie sing and dance their way through plenty of pachydermal peril and swiney suspense. In "Don't Go", Piggie has told Gerald she has to go, and Gerald becomes determined to make Piggie stay. This melodramatic tune portrays how devastated Elephant would be if Piggie were to leave him, and how best friends depend on each other through thick and thin.
In this vaudevillian romp, Gerald and Piggie sing and dance their way through plenty of pachydermal peril and swiney suspense. In "Don't Go", Piggie has told Gerald she has to go, and Gerald becomes determined to make Piggie stay. This melodramatic tune portrays how devastated Elephant would be if Piggie were to leave him, and how best friends depend on each other through thick and thin.
About the Show: Elephant & Piggie's "We Are in a Play!
Book and Lyrics By: Mo Willems
Music By: Deborah Wicks La Puma
Number of roles: 2
Character Breakdown / vocal ranges:
Name: Gerald. A lumbering, somewhat formally attired elephant; prone to melancholy. Best friends with Piggie.
- Gender: Male
- Vocal range top: F4
- Vocal range bottom: E3
Name: Piggie. An ebullient, inquisitive pink pig. Best friends with Gerald.
- Gender: Female
- Vocal range top: C5
- Vocal range bottom: G4